You could also entertain

it is an implementation of a whiteboard for JAX-RS applications. It is
specified how to register applications and extensions just like the ones
you need. It is based upon CXF but you only need to use JAX-RS and OSGi

The only thing is that there are only snapshots published at the moment.
If it is not a deal breaker for you I believe you could give it a go.



El 20/3/18 a las 18:52, James Carman escribió:
> You can use JaxrsServerBeanFactory in OSGi just fine. With that, you can
> add all the providers you want. You can check out Microbule for inspiration:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 1:34 PM Scott Lewis <> wrote:
>> I'm programmatically using cxf in an osgi environment.  I'm using the
>> servlet class: org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.servlet.CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet,
>> and want to create and an impl of to
>> register extensions (e.g. json support, etc).
>> Is there a cxf jaxrs impl of in that I can
>> create programmatically, and use to register extensions like
>> ContextResolver, etc?
>> Thanksinadvance,
>> Scott

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