No, i dont have test case, I'm not an expert to create a test case with tls client cert services and all needed component. Because i try develop a client, I even dont know how to start to develop the services with certification.


On 2018-06-19 10:37, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:

Do you have a test-case I can run to reproduce the problem?


On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 8:52 AM, Tóth Csaba <ig...@domen.hu <mailto:ig...@domen.hu>> wrote:

    I did some research:

    I tired to debug the certification selection methods, and found
    this class (TLSClientParametersConfig). this handle the tls config
    from the config file.
    - its run only once (even if need another config for another endpoint)
    - its parse only one conduit, and the end get back only one key.
    - it called from native classes, i cant debug it.
    maybe its because both endpoint has the same owner, and both
    client cert is signed to the same subject (the subject field is
    the same), and the keymanager in the return value contains a
    hashmap, what keys are the subject (or derivated from the subject)

    So can be, that the program cant notice: need an another cert?


    On 2018-06-15 08:14, Tóth Csaba wrote:
    -Need the same WS service in different endpoint.
    -both need to set up to use client certification but different
    one. (maybe good if the boot client cert is similar as it can be)
    -put the certs and the server certs into different keystore (one
    keystore for each endpoint)
    -set up the conduits in the cxf-config
    -create a client (proxy client), and make it, can change the
    -call endpoint 1
    -call endpoint 2 without restart the environment.

    I did a full ssl debug and its clearly visible, it use the wrong
    cert .
    What I didnt find, how choose a client cert the ssl framework?
    because all the endpoint run the same company, everything is very
    similar (endpoints, certs, everything), maybe the key attributes
    are the same, and the framework think, use the right one cert.


    On 2018-06-14 10:56, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:
    Do you have a test-case to reproduce the issue?


    On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 4:18 PM, Tóth Csaba <ig...@domen.hu>
    <mailto:ig...@domen.hu> wrote:

    I need to put a client into the webapp what communicate over
    ssl and
    before every call need to evaluate and maybe change the
    endpoint url.
    I set up the system via cxf-servlet.xml:

         <jaxws:client id="LDAPRequesterBean"


             <soap:soapBinding version="1.2" mtomEnabled="true" />

           <bean id="LDAPClientBean" class="mypackage.LDAPClient" >
               <property name="lDapRequesterBean"

          <http:conduit name="https://myserver_1/.*";
    <http:tlsClientParameters> <http:tlsClientParameters>

          <http:conduit name="https://myserver_1/.*";
    <http:tlsClientParameters> <http:tlsClientParameters>

    and in the client I change the endpoint:

                     endpoint = //evaluate and change it, if needed

                     BindingProvider bindingProvider =
    .put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endpoint);

    And its working, for the first time. (endpoint A)
    If It changed the url (endpoint B) (the 2nd call must go to
    endpoint), I get SSL error.
    After I restart the tomcat, and try first with this url
    (endpoint B), its
    working, but next not working with the first URL (endpoint A)

    I think, its some caching problem, but not find where, and how
    can I turn


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Colm O hEigeartaigh

Talend Community Coder

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