Hi Jens,

Thanks very much for this, I've tried it, and my MQ admin is telling me
that the message still has the MQMD format of MQHRF2, and includes an
MQRFH2 header.

I only have the vaguest understanding of what that means, but it sounds to
me like that's what the targetClient=1 parameter should prevent.

In the CXF logs I can see that the targetClient setting is being included,
but noticed that the queue name I'm setting is

I notice that your suggestion doesn't include the "jms:", so tried removing
it and now CXF throws an exception saying:

  Could not find conduit initiator for address: queue:///...?
targetClient=1 and transport: http://www.w3.org/soapjms/

I assume this is because I'm setting this on my JaxWsProxyFactoryBean:

  JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();


Is there some other transportId value I should be using?

Any other thoughts welcome, of course.

On Fri, 12 Oct 2018, 07:24 Jens, <smix...@dzbank.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I suspect you want to tell MQ that the receiver is not a JMS client but a
> "regular" consumer.
> Try specifying the target queue name like this:
> "queue:///" + queueConfig.getQueue() + "?targetClient=1"
> Cheers,
> Jens
> David Payne-2 wrote
> > I'm trying to send a one-way SOAP request over IBM MQ. Unfortunately I
> > know nothing about MQ and have no access to the broker or its tools. My
> > contact who manages the MQ instance knows lots about MQ but nothing
> > about JMS or CXF.
> >
> > He's complaining that the messages I'm sending have a format of MQHRF2.
> > I _think_ he wants them to have a format of MQSTR.
> --
> Sent from: http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.com/cxf-user-f547216.html

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