I think you are confusing a couple of specs…..    MTOM and Soap W/ Attachments 
are actually two separate specs and are handled differently.   

For SwA, you wouldn’t turn on MTOM.   CXF should be able to look in the WSDL 
and as long as mime things are properly and completely defined in the WSDL, it 
should use that.   However, it also requires you to run the wsdl2java stuff a 
bit differently as you need a binding file that turns on the 
“enableMIMEContent” capabilities.    

If you look in our repo in the testutils/src/main/resources/wsdl directory, 
there is a swa-mime-binding.xml binding file that would go along with the 
swa-mime.wsdl file.   Use that as the starting point to re-generate the 
interfaces and see if that changes anything.     If you want to dig into the 
code that tests things, that would be 


> On Mar 29, 2019, at 2:37 PM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking to integrate with an existing webservice that uses attachments
> for its handling of binary content.  I've enabled mtom on my client.  I've
> tested the service using SoapUI and I can see that it properly handles the
> attachment when using the attachment option in SoapUI.
> When I try to replicate this request in CXF, it fails.  But I notice the
> call CXF makes is vastly different than the one I see in SoapUI.  For
> instance, CXF adds the attachment object as an element in the SOAP call,
> but SoapUI does not.
> The WSDL has 2 parts to it, one with the request xml and a second wsdl:part
> with name attachment and type xs:base64Binary.  I can see the mime related
> parts for the attachment object being set to application/octet-stream.
> I'm wondering if there's something special I have to do to enable this
> service to work from the client perspective?
> Thanks,
> John

Daniel Kulp
dk...@apache.org <mailto:dk...@apache.org> - http://dankulp.com/blog 
Talend Community Coder - http://talend.com <http://coders.talend.com/>

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