Hi Johan, 
Am Sun, 18 Mar 2007 10:44:55 +0100 schrieb Johann Wiesheu:
> Hello,
> we have a printing issue, using OpenOffice 2.0 (writer) with 
> MAC-OS-X (Intel).
> Some Cyrillic characters are overprinted  by the  next character.
> This problem appeares only while printing directly out of OpenOffice.
> It does not exist, when the document is exported to PDF and 
> printed out of a PDF-viewer (=workaround)
> The localization of the system is Ukrainian.
> Any hints?

There were some major and minor issues with the first 2.0 versions 
of OpenOffice.org for Mac OS X. By now where 2.1.0 is the most 
recent version they should all be fixed. 

Since we don't have any QA for Ukrainian builds and for most other 
Non-Western-Europ language we cannot be sure if this is true for 
those languages as well.

I recommand you tu do an update to OOo 2.1.0 and see if the 
printing problem still occures. If so please write an issue and 
attach an example file. Be aware that Issuezilla is public so be 
sure that your example is free of internals. 

btw. Do you speak german or is it easier for you to write in 

Kind regards, 
Eric Hoch

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