I think, at least, we need to state in the documentation that "the Integer
Value Editor only allows edition of integer values between -2,147,483,648
and +2,147,483,647, and for values outside of that range, the use of the
In-Place Value Editor is recommended.".

We can also try to implement a custom spinner which is based on a long, but
it won't be as good as the default SWT Spinner widget (especially in terms
of appearance an behavior on all platforms).


On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Stefan Seelmann <seelm...@apache.org>wrote:

> Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
> >> Another issue: the RFC says "unlimited magnitude". However the integer
> >> editor only accepts the Java integer range -2^31...2^31-1. To solve that
> >> we need to remove the "spinner" widget we use and replace it with an
> >> normal text field and check the content using a regular expression.
> >>
> > Or use a long. It's unlikely that someone will ever inject some value
> > bigger than |2^63| ...
> Right. But the problem is that the GUI widget we are using (SWT Spinner)
> can only handle integers.
> Stefan

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