
I have an embedded server in 1.5.5 version. 
I want to migrate in 1.5.7. 

The server work work from scratch : 
- ldif schema 
- system partition 
- my partition 
- enable Access Control and set ACI 
- load ldif file 
- with studio I can see all the entries with apacheds admin user and with 
another custom admin user . 

Then I stop and restart my server : 
- with apache ds admin user I can see all entries and I can see also the 
subentries for aci : ok 
- but with the custom admin user I can't see any entries (I see only rootDSE) 

Then with studio and apacheds admin user I load ACI in the ACI editor and click 
ok to reload then. 
Then I can see all entries with custom admin user. 

How to enable ACI at startup ? 
I already set the flag : directoryService.setAccessControlEnabled(true); 

Thanks for help 

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