Hi Oleg,

On 19 avr. 2011, at 18:05, Oleg Konovalov wrote:

> Wow, I did not realize that there is built-in ApacheDS server in Studio,
> though I am now connecting to my standalone one (on localhost).
> It is confusing, they should have marked it as built-in.

Actually it is on the homepage of the Apache Directory Studio website:
> *Embedded ApacheDS*
> Apache Directory Studio bundles the latest version of the LDAPV3 certified 
> ApacheDS. Creating and launching a new LDAP server now takes less than 10 
> seconds!

The idea was to be able to start an LDAP Server without requiring an additional 
installation from the user.

> I can not find its server.xml.  Is it running on Tomcat inside Studio's 
> Eclipse ?

There is no Tomcat inside Studio.
Each server defined within Studio has a dedicated (somehow hidden) folder in 
the plugin's settings folder.
This folder is referenced in the "Properties" of the server, accessible via the 
context menu.
> I assume that when I go to Windows Services and start ApacheDS from there,
> It is external one on localhost, correct ?


> It is there I was able to create a new partition.  
> Yes, created new Connection to it.
> So you are saying that since embedded one doesn't have server.xml, I can't 
> possibly create partition there ?

Don't worry, it has a dedicated server.xml. See above.
You can even double click on the server to edit the configuration graphically 
within Studio.


> OK, now need to connect CAS to it to create my single sign-on layer.
> Thanks a lot for your help, guys !
> Oleg.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot [mailto:paj...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of 
> Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot
> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 11:39 AM
> To: users@directory.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Can't create partition
> Hi Oliver,
> On 19 avr. 2011, at 17:33, Oliver Schmidt wrote:
>> Did you create a new server under Directory Studio? If so, you now have
>> two servers: First, the one you installed. Second, the one you created
>> in Directory Studio (an ApacheDS server gets always delivered with
>> Directory Studio).
> Indeed. 
> That's what I think happened for Oleg and the configuration which has been 
> edited was the configuration of the "standalone" ApacheDS installation and 
> not the one which was started in Studio.
> We'll see in the following mails...
> Thanks,
> Pierre-Arnaud
>> Instead of creating a server you can try to create a new _connection_ to
>> your existing server (the one you installed first). Use basic
>> authentication and the admin DN uid=admin,ou=system. The password is
>> "secret".
>> Did this help you?
>> Am Dienstag, den 19.04.2011, 10:39 -0400 schrieb Oleg Konovalov:
>>> OK, I uninstalled ApacheDS from WinXP,
>>> Wiped out its directories,
>>> Installed it clean,
>>> Added the following entries to partitions sections of server.xml :
>>> <jdbmPartition id="jbcppets" cacheSize="100" suffix="dc=jbcppets,dc=com" 
>>> optimizerEnabled="true" syncOnWrite="true"/>
>>> <jdbmPartition id="sevenSeas" suffix="o=sevenSeas" />
>>> Started Apache Directories Studio,
>>> Started Apache DS from there.
>>> It did NOT create new NamingContexts entries for these 2 items.
>>> Checked logs - only in wrapper.log :
>>> ERROR  | wrapper  | 2011/04/19 10:17:11 | CreateService failed - The 
>>> specified service already exists. (0x431)
>>> Yes, there is Apache Directory Service - default in Windows service. 
>>> Startup type - Automatic, but Status - blank (not started). I guess, Studio 
>>> is a place to start it.
>>> What should I do to create a new partition (namingContexts) ?
>>> What would you recommend ?
>>> TIA,
>>> Oleg.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Oleg Konovalov 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 9:46 AM
>>> To: users@directory.apache.org
>>> Subject: RE: Can't create partition
>>> Oliver,
>>> I use Apache Studio 1.5.3 to access ApacheDS.
>>> Using Windows XP.
>>> Which log file ?   I see 3.
>>> Just reinstalled ApacheDS (on top of the old one).
>>> In apacheds-rolling log got:
>>> [09:11:54] ERROR 
>>> [org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.loader.ldif.LdifSchemaLoader] - 
>>> ERR_10004 Expecting to find a schema.ldif file in provided baseDirectory 
>>> path 'C:\Program Files\Apache Directory 
>>> Server\instances\default\partitions\schema\ou=schema.ldif' but no such file 
>>> found.
>>> [09:11:54] ERROR [org.apache.directory.daemon.Bootstrapper] - Failed on 
>>> null.init(InstallationLayout, String[])
>>> java.io.FileNotFoundException: ERR_10004 Expecting to find a schema.ldif 
>>> file in provided baseDirectory path 'C:\Program Files\Apache Directory 
>>> Server\instances\default\partitions\schema\ou=schema.ldif' but no such file 
>>> found.
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.loader.ldif.LdifSchemaLoader.<init>(LdifSchemaLoader.java:113)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.directory.server.configuration.ApacheDS.initSchema(ApacheDS.java:488)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.directory.server.configuration.ApacheDS.startup(ApacheDS.java:124)
>>>     at org.apache.directory.server.Service.initLdap(Service.java:136)
>>>     at org.apache.directory.server.Service.init(Service.java:77)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.directory.daemon.Bootstrapper.callInit(Bootstrapper.java:154)
>>> in wrapper.log:
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 | [09:11:54] ERROR 
>>> [org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.loader.ldif.LdifSchemaLoader] - 
>>> ERR_10004 Expecting to find a schema.ldif file in provided baseDirectory 
>>> path 'C:\Program Files\Apache Directory 
>>> Server\instances\default\partitions\schema\ou=schema.ldif' but no such file 
>>> found.
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 | [09:11:54] ERROR 
>>> [org.apache.directory.daemon.Bootstrapper] - Failed on 
>>> null.init(InstallationLayout, String[])
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 | java.io.FileNotFoundException: 
>>> ERR_10004 Expecting to find a schema.ldif file in provided baseDirectory 
>>> path 'C:\Program Files\Apache Directory 
>>> Server\instances\default\partitions\schema\ou=schema.ldif' but no such file 
>>> found.
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 |   at 
>>> org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.loader.ldif.LdifSchemaLoader.<init>(LdifSchemaLoader.java:113)
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 |   at 
>>> org.apache.directory.server.configuration.ApacheDS.initSchema(ApacheDS.java:488)
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 |   at 
>>> org.apache.directory.server.configuration.ApacheDS.startup(ApacheDS.java:124)
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 |   at 
>>> org.apache.directory.server.Service.initLdap(Service.java:136)
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 |   at 
>>> org.apache.directory.server.Service.init(Service.java:77)
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 |   at 
>>> org.apache.directory.daemon.Bootstrapper.callInit(Bootstrapper.java:154)
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 |   at 
>>> org.apache.directory.daemon.TanukiBootstrapper.start(TanukiBootstrapper.java:54)
>>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2011/04/19 09:11:54 |   at 
>>> org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager$12.run(WrapperManager.java:2788)
>>> STATUS | wrapper  | 2011/04/19 09:11:56 | <-- Wrapper Stopped
>>> ERROR  | wrapper  | 2011/04/19 09:11:57 | The Apache Directory Server - 
>>> default service was launched, but failed to start.
>>> No, I haven't touched or removed any ldif files.
>>> I guess, need to wipe out old one and install it for fresh.
>>> What do you think ?
>>> TIA,
>>> Oleg.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Oliver Schmidt [mailto:oliver.schmidt....@arcor.de] 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 9:35 AM
>>> To: users@directory.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: Can't create partition
>>> Hi Oleg,
>>> which tool do you use to access your ApacheDS? 
>>> What does the log file say? On Linux, there are two log files. The more
>>> detailed one should be where the binaries are (C:\Program Files\
>>> maybe...).
>>> Oliver
>>> Am Montag, den 18.04.2011, 15:01 -0400 schrieb Oleg Konovalov:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am completely new to LDAP and ApacheDS,
>>>> so if I am asking something silly, please bare with me.
>>>> I am trying to create Single Sign-on layer for few web apps using
>>>> Spring Security3, CAS, ApacheDS 
>>>> as per "Spring Security 3" book, ch.10.
>>>> (had many problems, latest - with CAS, but that is besides the scope
>>>> here).
>>>> I changed configuration to use external ApacheDS on localhost,
>>>> Installed ApacheDS 1.5.7 & Studio 1.5.3
>>>> Tried to import sample LDIF file and on first node got an exception:
>>>> Error while importing LDIF
>>>> - [LDAP: error code 32 - NO_SUCH_OBJECT: failed for     Add Request
>>>>  javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 -
>>>> NO_SUCH_OBJECT: failed for
>>>> Add Request : ClientEntry
>>>>    dn: dc=jbcppets,dc=com
>>>>    objectClass: extensibleObject
>>>>    objectClass: domain
>>>>    objectClass: top
>>>>    dc: jbcppets
>>>> : ERR_268 Cannot find a partition for dc=jbcppets,dc=com]; 
>>>> remaining name 'dc=jbcppets,dc=com'
>>>>        at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(Unknown Source)
>>>>        at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(Unknown
>>>> Source)
>>>>        at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(Unknown
>>>> Source)
>>>>        at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_createSubcontext(Unknown
>>>> Source)
>>>> Googled up a few interesting replies to that problem, most said that
>>>> need to create Partition first with 'dc=jbcppets,dc=com'
>>>> So I tried many times to add segments like that to server.xml
>>>> partitions  section, 
>>>> Following:
>>>> http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/1.5/143-adding-your-own-partition-resp-suffix.html
>>>> Restart server, but still do NOT get new namingContexts in Root DSE.
>>>> <jdbmPartition id="sevenSeas" suffix="o=sevenSeas" /> 
>>>>     <jdbmPartition id="jbcppets" cacheSize="100"
>>>> suffix="dc=jbcppets,dc=com" optimizerEnabled="true"
>>>>               syncOnWrite="true">
>>>>               <indexedAttributes>                     
>>>>               <jdbmIndex attributeId="dc" cacheSize="100"/>
>>>>                               <jdbmIndex attributeId="ou"
>>>> cacheSize="100"/>
>>>>                               <jdbmIndex
>>>> attributeId="krb5PrincipalName" cacheSize="100"/>
>>>>                               <jdbmIndex attributeId="uid"
>>>> cacheSize="100"/>
>>>>         <jdbmIndex attributeId="objectClass" cacheSize="100"/>
>>>>               </indexedAttributes>
>>>>     </jdbmPartition>
>>>>     <jdbmPartition id="jbcppets" cacheSize="100"
>>>> suffix="dc=jbcppets,dc=com" optimizerEnabled="true"
>>>> syncOnWrite="true"/>
>>>> Interestingly, although originally for  dc=example,dc=com  there was a
>>>> namingContexts in right panel, 
>>>> there was no entry in RootDSE (as per picture in documentation above),
>>>> well I added NewContextEntry, so now looks like in the doc.
>>>> Also tried to rename existing dc=example,dc=com   into example2:
>>>> dc=example2,dc=com  there, restarted server,
>>>> but it still shows  dc=example,dc=com  ,  not example2.
>>>> Is it cached ?
>>>> Cleared IE cache.  Using Win XP.  No difference, still same problem.
>>>> Am I doing something wrong ?
>>>> Please help !
>>>> (I am attaching my full server.xml.)
>>>> TIA,
>>>> Oleg.
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