Le 6/8/12 1:49 PM, Garbage a écrit :
I learned a lot about the implementation of custom partitions and see the 
changes in the API from search and lookup returning an Entry in 1.5.x and an 
EntryFilteringCursor later on.
I even was able to change an existing partition (shame on me: based on the 
1.5.5 example, but I will switch to 2.0 soon) in a way that lets it return a 
fake group object that was created in my custom POJO.

But I am only able to return ONE entry, I didn't find or understand the concept 
how MULTIPLE entries can be returned. Can someone show me the right direction ?
The idea is to use a Cursor that maps around the partition and fetch the entries one by one.

The way the server works is that based on your filter, you select the right index to use to fetch the entries. There are may possibilities here : - first, you may have to do a full scan (the filter is not selective enough, for instance). In this case, you don't use any index, you just use the MasterTable to get the entries. Now, for each entry you fetch, you'll have to filter them to see if it's a valid entry - or not. - or you can select an index. You will fetch the index elements, and for each of them, fetch the associated entry. Once done, you can check against the filter if the entry is valid - or not

In any case, the cursor is your friend here : it maps the next() operation on top of your index.

Now, if your Partition is a Btree, it's easier, as the AbstractBTreePartition class already handles everyting for you. If you don't inherit from this Abstract class, then it's way more complicated. I'll suggest you have a look at the AbstractBTreePartition to get a clue about how we process a search over a BTree based partition.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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