hi friends,
I’m quite new to apacheDs and I’m trying to use the password policies in order 
to force my users 
- to change their password the first time they log to the system
- to change their password every month

I’m using apache dir studio and enabled password policies.
Now, more or less all the features configured (min length, password history 
etc) are working for the new entries created, which means lppe is well 
configured, but I was expecting additional properties to the new users 
reporting the passwordChangeTime and mustChangePassword.
I don’t see any property in the user details, infact the password never expires 
(now it is setted to 600 seconds) and apache dir studio doesn’t prompt any 
message enforcing password changes.

Last but not least, the user is disabled once password is wrong for x times, I 
don’t know how to activate it again.

Any hints?
Please help
Best regards,

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