Le 26/02/16 13:11, Lothar Haeger a écrit :
> Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
>>> Often organizations need to know how many entries are present within a
>>> directory or container for audit purposes of security, legal, billing or
>>> other purposes.
>> Ok, why not. But LDAP does not provide such a mechanism. Even if the
>> search engine knows about how many entries are going to be returned I
>> see no standard way to send it back to the requester (it would require a
>> dedicated control or extended operation).
> You are talking about search result count, Jim talks about the number of
> subordinates in a container. 
Both were mentionned : the initial question was about the number of
returned entries for a search, and the numSubordinates was also mentionned.

I'm replying to the initial question : the number of result following a
search request.

We do store the number of subordinate (and the number of children) in
ApacheDS, but we don't expose them. We could though and it would be easy
to add a 'virtual' attribute to every entry returned.

> Not sure about the OP, wording suggests count of
> search results, the reference to an earlier forum post mentiones
> numSubordinate...
Yep. I do think the focus is on nb of search result.
> A simple operational attribute can present the latter just like Sun/Oracle 
> does with numSubordinates or Edirectory with subordinateCount. There are
> definitely use cases for this, as well as reference implementations. Would be
> nice if a similar operational attribute would make it into ApachDS, too.
That would be quite easy to provide. I even consider doing it right
away. Can someone fill a JIRA for that feature request ?

Thanks !

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