Hi Ezra,

there were some bug in the command line which has been fixed in trunk.
We don't have nightly build for ApacheDS, but you can easily build the
project : k-just run 'mvn clean install' at the root of checked out
soure (svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/directory/apacheds/trunk),
then move to the 'installers' directory and type 'mvn clean install
-Pinstallers', that will generate an installer for your target OS (in
installers/target/installers directory)

Le 17/05/2017 à 00:56, Ezsra McDonald a écrit :
> We are running ADS M20 on Linux.
> We had some database issues so we tried the partition-plumber.jar. It seems
> to run fine and rebuilds everything. Next we try to start the server. The
> server startup takes nearly 15 minutes. Once we get the banner we connect
> to the server. The partition is empty.
> Next, we tried installing M23 and created a partition. We replaced the
> partition with the partition data from the M20 instance.
> We see the following in the wrapper log however the instance never seems to
> start complete.
> TATUS | wrapper  | 2017/05/16 17:40:07 | --> Wrapper Started as Daemon
> STATUS | wrapper  | 2017/05/16 17:40:07 | Launching a JVM...
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2017/05/16 17:40:07 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.3)
> http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2017/05/16 17:40:07 |   Copyright 1999-2006 Tanuki
> Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2017/05/16 17:40:07 |
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2017/05/16 17:40:08 | Trying to repair the following
> data :/opt/ApacheDS/var/lib/default
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2017/05/16 17:40:08 | Starting the service.
> I don't see any logs related to repairs. Those would be handy. Maybe it is
> still repairing but I can't tell. The files are not changing size on the
> file system.
> If I restart M23 with the repair argument we get an error:
> Repairing ApacheDS - default...
> FATAL  | wrapper  | Unable to resolve the full path of the configuration
> file, wrapper.app.parameter.1=repair: No such file or directory
> Starting ApacheDS - default...

Emmanuel Lecharny


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