I am compleatelly new to LDAP and it is much more difficult than I thought.
I am trying to develop in Java simple app that would access LDAP. For given 
userName it would read user rights stored in LDAP (associated user groups) and 
user properties (givenName, sn, postalCode...).
I got .ldif file exported from ActiveDirectory, installed ApacheDS, and naive 
tried to import .ldif from ActiveDirectory into ApacheDS. It didn't worked. 
Some objectClases that ActiveDirectory has, ApacheDS doesn't have/support.
Now I would like to create as close as possible structure in my local 
installation of ApacheDS as it is in real ActiveDirectory.
User group example:
dn: OU=MyApp,OU=Applications,OU=Groups,DC=myCompany,DC=comobjectClass: 
topobjectClass: organizationalUnitou: MyApp
dn: CN=Role1,OU=MyApp,OU=Applications,OU=Groups,DC=myCompany,DC=comobjectClass: 
topobjectClass: groupcn: Role1description: Standard-UsersAMAccountName: 
Role1groupType: -2147483646
User example:
dn: CN=FirstName LastName,OU=AD,OU=MyDepartment,DC= My 
Company,DC=chobjectClass: topobjectClass: someAccountobjectClass: 
personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: usercn: FirstName LastName 
sn: LastName givenName: FirstName displayName: FirstName LastName 
1. How do I need to modify original group and user (exported from 
ActiveDirectory) so that I can import it into ApacheDS?2. How do I assign 
"group Role1" to the "user" in ApacheDS? Should I add "objectClass: Role1" to 
the user or something else?
Thank you very much in advance,Milan

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