Hi all,

you noticed that a new release of ApacheDS has been issued last week. It
was long expected (more than a year !). Having a baby is certainly
eating a lot of my programing time ;-)

Anyway, this was an important release, where we added a cross-b-tree
transaction system, allowing operations to be *trully* done in an atomic
way, and we expect that will solve the database corruption problem that
is really hurting the server for years... Please test it, and feel free
to give us some feedback !

That being said, there are MANY pending issues that need some work. Now
that this release is behind us, I have started to do a bit of cleanup,
mainly removing as much sonarLint issues as possible, and in a matter of
fact, it found some serious bugs (NPE, etc). This work is almost behind
us. The next steps would be :

o go through the pending tickets, and close as many of them as possible
o expose the transaction system to the client through the handling of
the startTransaction/endTransaction extended operations, which are now
supported by the LDAP API 2.0. That will help us building a faster
bulk-load system. Note that updates are already twice faster than it was
with the previous revision.
o implement a LMDB partition, since there is a project that wrap it in
Java [1]
o implement a BerkeleyDB JE partiton, as it now has an Apache 2.0
License (Kiran has already done most of teh work a few years ago)

Those are relatively short time targets. I don't really want to list
more tasks, because I don't want to give false expectations that any
other than those features will be released very soon. But I think we
need to work on the replication part, which works, more or less, but
requires some more tests, and most certainly some more work (and
documentation !!!)

The next release should be out soon, I don't expect to wait 1 more year
for it :-)


Emmanuel Lecharny


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