Hi folks,

I have an entry in my test partition with the following DN:

dn: uid=fred,ou=pillows,ou=departments,dc=ezsleep,dc=com

When I run a search with a simple filter for an attribute, for instance:


... Fred is returned.

If I try to run a search for part of the DN:


… I get zero results from Directory Studio, and the command line ‘ldapsearch’
returns the block below, essentially “Not implemented yet!”.  Using the 
UnboundID (PingIdentity) java lib returns a similar error.

So my question is, have I screwed something up (likely) or is this
type of filter component really not yet implemented?

Many thanks everybody


# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=ezsleep,dc=com> with scope subtree
# filter: (&(objectClass=person)(ou:dn:=pillows)(mail=f...@ezsleep.com))
# requesting: ALL

# search result
search: 2
result: 1 Operations error
text: OPERATIONS_ERROR: failed for MessageType : SEARCH_REQUEST
Message ID :
        baseDn : 'dc=ezsleep,dc=com'
        filter : '(
 &(objectClass=person:[3])(ou-true-EXTENSIBLE-null-0x70 0x69 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F 0
 x77 0x73 :[3])(mail=f...@ezsleep.com:[∞]))'
        scope : whole subtree

         typesOnly : false
        Size Limit : no limit
        Time Limit :
  no limit
        Deref Aliases : never Deref Aliases
        attributes :

 org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.message.SearchRequestImpl@b07eb122: N O
 T   I M P L E M E N T E D   Y E T !

John Hawksley
Senior Software Engineer
Intergral GmbH

Voice: +49 7031 221 502 | Fax: +49 7031 221 524
Email: john_hawks...@intergral.com

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