There are two things that can be done here:

- introduce a delay between each change

- benefit from the capability of the server to support transactions.

On the second point, OpenLDAP is going to support it (in 2.5 I believe). ApacheDS will have it implemented in the coming version. The big advantage of using transactions is that updates are going to be way faster. Some tests I did on ApacheDS shows that it can update up to 4 times faster. It would be a good thing that the batch update leverage this feature by gathering updates with a transaction (or many, like committing every 100 updates, for instance).

On the first point, it's just a parameter to add to the Batch control, I guess. I would suggest to fill a JIRA with such a requirement for the sake fo tracability.

Thanks !

On 16/08/2019 11:11, Jim Willeke wrote:
I agree as this is a common condition run into by many LDAP users.
Jim Willeke

On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 1:32 PM Black, Douglas <> wrote:

I apologize if there's a better place to post this.  I often use the New
Batch Operation to make minor changes to user accounts returned by a
search, and sometimes the list of objects to be modified is quite large. I
don't want to swamp the system with 1000 or more object changes dumped on
it all at once. It would be great if there was an option to insert a 1-5
second pause between each change.

Does this sound like it would be of value to anyone else?


Doug Black
OSU Wexner Medical Center

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