Dear Emmanuel

Our Apache DS sever produces a huge amount of warnings with the following

undefined filter based on undefined attributeType not evaluted at all.
Returning empty enumeration.

29.10.2019 08:17:44,796 WARN  [pool-6-thread-15719]
    - undefined filter based on undefined attributeType not evaluted at
all.  Returning empty enumeration.

it looks like this in code

// Normalize the filter
filter = ( ExprNode ) filter.accept( normVisitor );

if ( filter == null )
line 294:    LOG.warn( "undefined filter based on undefined
attributeType not evaluted at all.  Returning empty enumeration." );
    return new EntryFilteringCursorImpl( new EmptyCursor<Entry>(),
searchContext, schemaManager );

Is it possible to find out without debugging, why
FilterNormalizingVisitor returns null

from normalizeValue method?

With Best Regards

Sergey Mikhno

Software Developer

Galexis AG


Sergey Mikhno

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