Hi Francesco

sorry for the latency...

There is a clear bug in the way we handle a filter like (ObjectClass=top) in the search engine. As 'top' is never present in the index - for obvious reason : *every* single entry has such an attribute value -, the filter returns no candidate, so the encapsulating filter evaluation simply stops :

(&(objectClass=top:[0])(cn=testLDAPGroup))  (note the [0] here).

The code that does that is :

    private long getConjunctionScan( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, BranchNode node ) throws LdapException
        long count = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        List<ExprNode> children = node.getChildren();

        for ( ExprNode child : children )
            if ( ( count == 1 ) && ( child instanceof ScopeNode ) )
                // We can stop here

            annotate( partitionTxn, child );
            count = Math.min( ( ( Long ) child.get( COUNT_ANNOTATION ) ), count );

            if ( count == 0 )
                // No need to continue   <----- Obviously a bad idea in this very case...

In your case,  there is a workaround : changing your filter to be "(&(objectClass=*)(cn=testLDAPGroup))"

I'll open a JIRA.

Thanks for the report and the test case !

On 17/03/2020 15:02, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 2020/03/15 14:46:27, Francesco Chicchiricc�� <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
On 2020/03/15 14:14:56, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Francesco,

On 15/03/2020 14:49, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
Hi there,
I am upgrading Apache DS from 2.0.0.AM25 to 2.0.0 and experiencing some 
Hmmm, there is no such 2.0.0.
Ah, sorry, I was meaning 2.0.0.AM26 of course.

For example, this used to work fine (e.g.  to find the group with the given cn) 

ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1389 -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -x -W -b "ou=groups,o=isp" 
'(&(&(objectClass=top)(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames))(cn=lastGroup3ae5600a))' cn

Now this does not return any result; when I change the filter to


it works again.



is working fine; so it seems that top is somehow disturbing.

Any ideas? Thanks!
Do you have an env I can use to test that ?
Hi Emmanuel,
sorry it took so long to get something simpler to reproduce the problem.

I have assembled at


Just clone and run

mvn clean verify

The tests executed are


which runs with filter


and finds the group, and


which runs with filter


and does not find the group.

The ApacheDS init is in


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