> -----Original Message-----
> From: users [mailto:users-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Gadre Nayan
> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:08 PM
> To: users at dpdk.org
> Subject: [dpdk-users] Link Status App
> Dear All,
> I have started with DPDK library. I have some terminology related questions.
> 1. What are "lcores":
>    My system has 2 sockets and 6 cores per socket. Are these internal
> cores --> lcores?
>    So then my system will have 12 lcores?

If your system has Hyperthreading (considering it is Intel), your CPU will have 
two logical cores per physical core
(so you can run two threads simultaneously per physical core).
In your case, you have logical 24 cores (2 sockets x 6 cores/socket x 2 logical 
cores/physical core).

> 2. I am trying to work on the Link status change application.
> I am confused with the terminology, having not much experience, So
> here is the confusion.
> I have the compiled application: link_status.
> ./link_status -c f -n 4-- -q 8 -p 0x0f
> Here I am setting the portmask as 0x0F as I am going to use 4 ports.
> Next -q NQ: A number of queues (=ports) per lcore (default is 1)

As stated in the help, "q" parameter sets the number of queues that will be 
handled by a single core.
So, if using -q 1 with 4 ports, you will need 4 cores. If you want to use only 
1 core, then you should use -q 4.

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