
I'm trying to build up an OVS-DPDK bridge that should connect two different 
physical hosts. So I basically have three physical nodes, one is the traffic 
generator and one for the sink and the third physical host has the OVS-DPDK 
bridge that connect the two other nodes. I followed this tutorial to install 
DPDK and OVS with DPDK configuration 
http://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/intro/install/dpdk/ and followed the 
instructions in PHY-PHY in http://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/howto/dpdk/ to 
build up the intended setup.  To test this setup, I directly plugged the 
physical NICs of two communicating nodes into the DPDK physical interfaces of 
OVS-DPDK bridge at the third host. Then I tried to ping from one of the two 
communicating nodes to the other but it doesn't work though the ARPing is 
working . In addition, when I run dump-flows on the OVS-DPDK bridge, I can find 
the ping packets matched in their corresponding flows but can't received at the 
connected hosts and the ARP table of the OVS-DPDK bridge is empty. I tried to 
write the destination MAC address for each flow to ensure the delivery, but it 
doesn't  work either. I tried also to enable the flow negotiation and flow 
control for both the receiving and transmitting queues of the bridge DPDK ports 
by running:

ovs-vsctl set Interface <DPDK port  name> options:tx-flow-ctrl=true

ovs-vsctl set Interface <DPDK port  name> options:rx-flow-ctrl=true

ovs-vsctl set Interface <DPDK port  name> options:flow-ctrl-autoneg=true

It doesn't work.

I also enabled the IP forwarding in the both communicating nodes.

A thing to add. The two DPDK physical interfaces added to the OVS-DPDK bridge 
is on the same NIC and it's:
BCM57416 NetXtreme-E 10GBase. My system has 4 cores with hyper-threading and 
one socket. and here are my OVS and DPDK versions:

ovs-vswitchd --version
ovs-vswitchd (Open vSwitch) 2.10.90
DPDK 17.11.4

So can anyone please help in figuring out what is wrong in this setup?



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