On 2019-01-31 09:30, Tom Barbette wrote:
I therefore tried different things and found that the problem was a misconfiguration of the RSS action. Thanks!

Actually, it was because the rule installation fails when the flow is not classifying on "ipv4", because of the RSS parameter.

testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth type is 0x0800 / end actions mark id 1 / rss / end Caught error type 1 (cause unspecified): hardware refuses to create flow: Invalid argument

testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth type is 0x0800 / ipv4 / end actions mark id 1 / rss / end
Flow rule #0 created

Isn't it technically possible to have a "default" action? Mark the flow then let the packet be as usual? That would be so much better than tracking which rules classify which protocol and change the action according to that... The NIC does it by itself already...


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