
We had a look at that, and decided that it might be a bit too
complicated to implement in our SW and will not work in a performant way
as we might wish, ideally we're looking for a simple approach even if
not ideal..

So, I was wondering if we can get at least a "fair" distribution (no
round robin) using rte flow? And BTW, is it even possible to access the
checksum from this API using for example the pattern matching with an
offset that points to the proper byte location in the packet? (It seems
it can't be done without modification to the driver..)


Il 7/25/20 10:28 AM, Tom Barbette ha scritto:
> Hi Filip,
> This is not possible, but you may use the idea of Sprayer
> (http://www.gta.ufrj.br/ftp/gta/TechReports/SCC18d.pdf) to dispatch
> packets randomly (use RSS on the checksum).
> However, in our paper RSS++
> (https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1371780/FULLTEXT01.pdf) we
> show it's nearly always a bad idea because you'll have to share state,
> and even for "stateless" function, that leads to a very bad locality in
> a firewall as the same rules have to be fetched to L1 to all cores at
> the same time when you receive a burst of similar packets.
> Tom
> Le 24/07/2020 à 12:05, Filip Janiszewski a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way in DPDK to configure the NIC to distribute the incoming
>> packets to multiple queues in a round robin fashion? Without taking into
>> account the payload/headers or type of packet, just plain round robin
>> distribution to multiple queues.
>> I'm struggling to obtain a fair mechanism using RSS, perhaps the
>> rte_flow API can do the trick? Any other suggestion?
>> Thanks

BR, Filip
+48 666 369 823

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