27/05/2021 18:10, Gabriel Danjon:
> Hello,
> I am having difficulties to compile and install DPDK from sources on the 
> latest Centos 8-Stream.

Did you compile and install DPDK successfully?
Where is it installed?

> After having installed the required drivers and libraries, following the 
> documentation and the DPDK build (meson build && cd build && ninja && 
> ninja install && ldconfig), I tried to compile the helloworld example 
> without success:
> 'Makefile:12: *** "no installation of DPDK found".  Stop.'
> Please find attached to this mail some logs.

The log is way too long to be read.
Please copy only what is relevant.

> Could you provide help please ?

It looks to be basic issue with library installation.
Did you read the doc?

Especially this note:
On some linux distributions, such as Fedora or Redhat, paths in /usr/local are 
not in the default paths for the loader. Therefore, on these distributions, 
/usr/local/lib and /usr/local/lib64 should be added to a file in 
/etc/ld.so.conf.d/ before running ldconfig.

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