I've seen this having happened, but just saw it happen. I'm working on 
something and decided to take a break. I had ktimetracker running on darner 
(DFly box) and showing on caracal (Linux laptop). Its clock icon was present, 
but not turning. I clicked on the stop button and nothing happened. I ran 
netstat -t on caracal and it showed 13552 bytes trying to go to darner. I ran 
netstat -t on darner, and it showed no connection with caracal! A few minutes 
later the ktimetracker window vanished and I saw "Write failed: Broken pipe" 
on the terminal window I started it from. What causes this?

This may not be DragonFly-specific, but it seems to happen more often when 
shelling to darner than to chausie (Linux box). It happened to my ssh 
connection to chausie at the same time. Pinging showed that there was no 
problem with the IP connection. All three computers are in the same room. 
(I've gotten "Broken pipe" when I'm shelling cross-country; it doesn't bother 
me nearly as much.)

The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.

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