On Thursday, October 10, 2013 11:40:01 John Marino wrote:
> I think it would be swell (tip hat to Superman '78) to keep DragonFly
> well supported by pkgsrc.  I believe that the recent changes in head
> will break many packages, many of which are probably common
> dependencies.  The main change that I'm concerned about is the iconv
> prototype from (char*) to (const char*) on one of the arguments.
> Unfortunately, I no longer have the time work on pkgsrc.
> I will be happy to advise anyone who wants to step up to keep pkgsrc
> maintained on DragonFly.  If the results are good, we could petition
> these volunteers to get commit access for pkgsrc from NetBSD.

I would like to do so, once I get the Internet connection and computers to be 
able to. I am moving in the next few weeks; after that I will be setting up an 
ISP in the boonies. This will take time as I need to clear the land and build 
a building before I can get the connection.

> On a related note, if somebody is interested in becoming a dports
> maintainer / committer, I am also the person to see.  We need to spread
> the expertise around as right now I represent a critical path. So I'm
> looking for volunteers to help with both dports and pkgsrc, with a
> preference for the former as that is our official package collection now.

I will probably be interested in that too, once I switch to dports.

I have two computers running DragonFly. I'm going to switch zyxomma first, 
since it is running no services that are installed from packages, just the 
packet filter. But I've never upgraded the kernel on it yet. It's running 
3.4.1. It's my gateway, and I don't want to accidentally lock myself out of 
the Internet by messing something up while upgrading. The other is darner, 
which I've upgraded many times.

Don't buy a French car in Holland. It may be a citroen.

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