On 11/7/2014 23:07, Matthias wrote:
> Thanks Matt for your explanation.
> This also means that this ABI pkg problem always occurrs during release
> time for a short time period for RC versions and the master branch?

what "problem" ?

3.6  => 3.6
3.7  => 3.8
3.8  => 3.8
3.9  => 3.10
3.10 => 3.10
3.11 => 3.12
4.0  => 4.0
4.1  => 4.2
4.2  => 4.2

That's how it's supposed to be, specifically to avoid busting all
packages the second the release is branched.
had 4.0 packages been in place before RC was announced, nobody would
have noticed.  There's no problem except people didn't know how to tell
pkg to use packages with different but compatible ABI as a workaround.


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