Hi everyone,

To close this out, when I do a "gop get" with the new BIOS does return
nonzero values so it was most assuredly my antediluvian BIOS.



On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 2:34 PM, karu.pruun <karu.pr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good to hear it worked out!
> Just for the record and so we know the next time: at the loader
> prompt, does 'gop get' give sane values?
> Peeter
> --
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 4:41 PM, Bryan C. Everly
> <br...@bceassociates.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Bryan C. Everly
>> <br...@bceassociates.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 8:56 AM, karu.pruun <karu.pr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Just to be sure that you removed 'i915_load="YES"' from
>>>> /boot/loader.conf --- last time I checked it led to a crash; that's
>>>> another reason not to put it there but include at a later stage, i.e.
>>>> put in /etc/rc.conf.
>>>> Not sure but may be that the wrong fb settings lead to crash if the
>>>> system tries to write to 0. Need to check the code.
>>>> You might want to forward to the list.
>>>> Peeter
>>>> --
>>> Peeter,
>>> I verified that I get the same behavior with the i915_load="YES" in
>>> both /etc/rc.local and /boot/loader.conf - the crash that I only see
>>> when I set mode=0 (800x600 resolution).  It is likely that it is
>>> crashing in the other default mode but I can't really confirm that
>>> because the display is diagonally corrupted at the top of the screen.
>>> Thanks
>> Peeter and the list,
>> Apologies for the PEBKAC (problem exists between keyboard and chair)
>> error here!  :-)
>> Suddenly occurred to me to check the version of my BIOS.  Apparently
>> it was written somewhere along the same time as the Protestant
>> Reformation in Europe.  Anyhow, I updated it to the latest version and
>> everything is working like a charm.
>> Sorry again for wasting folks time on an error in my brain but all is
>> well now and I really am looking forward to learning more about
>> DragonFlyBSD.  I'm a ports maintainer for several things on OpenBSD
>> and would love to see if I can help out here as well.  I've been a big
>> BSD fan since I was first exposed back in the SunOS4 and early Ultrix
>> days.
>> Thanks again!

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