Hi Stefan

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 03:05:05PM +0100, sru...@astrophysik.uni-kiel.de wrote:
> I have studied smoothed particle hydrodynamics on a fixed spacetime, so i
> get the idea devolping a sph based thorn. I found no publications, so is
> perhaps anybody already working on this problem, or has one shown that
> this isn't possible?

I am not aware of an SPH implementation in Cactus, at least not in
recent years. It would certainly be interesting, but it would also pose
some challenges. One of the nice things Cactus (through Carpet) can
offer is a pretty decent parallelization of (some form of) grids. A
similar mechanism for SPH particles is currently not available in
Cactus, but I could see interest for some projects.
The questions whether it is worthwhile implementing it depends much on
what it should be used for, and how alternative approaches look like.

> I'm not sure whether my questions are answerable, but perhaps you can help
> me a second time.

This is what this email list is for. We actually _like_ users to ask
questions here. :)


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