On 20 Oct 2015, at 14:49, Geraint Pratten <g.prat...@sussex.ac.uk> wrote:

> Sorry, fixed the typo (though error is still there - having tried different 
> parallel environments). I've attached a chunk of the output but killed it 
> before it carried on until error. Do you need further output? 

Hi Geraint,

In apollo.run, you call "mpirun".  This might not be the right mpirun. It might 
be better to call it using $MPIDIR/bin/mpirun, if that is where it is located.  

From the output file, you can see that there are multiple Cactus banners 
appearing.  This indicates that each mpi process is starting thinking it is the 
only one there. This is a smoking gun for a mismatch between the MPI versions 
used to compile and run, so I would focus on that possibility.

Ian Hinder

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