
I'm using Payne-Gaposchkin release
to run the BBHLowRes.par  example

basically, follow this instruction https://arxiv.org/abs/1305.5299

however, it seems that the simlution terminated too early.
this is the plot of data in BH_diagnostics.ahX.gp i got

i noticed that in the output of "sim list-sim"
it says "Warning: job status is U"

and this is the from .err file in output-0000  (partially)

WARNING level 1 from host kpc-VirtualBox process 0
  while executing schedule bin CCTK_PARAMCHECK, routine
  in thorn ML_BSSN_Helper, file
  -> Parameter ML_BSSN::ShiftAdvectionCoeff is outdated; please update the
parameter file. Instead of using this parameter, you should set
WARNING level 1 from host kpc-VirtualBox process 0
  while executing schedule bin (none), routine (no thorn)::(no routine)
  in thorn CarpetRegrid2, file
  -> Could not enforce grid structure properties in this round, starting
another round
WARNING level 0 from host kpc-VirtualBox process 0
  while executing schedule bin BoundaryConditions, routine
  in thorn RotatingSymmetry180, file
  -> TAT/Slab can only be used if there is a single local component per MPI
int Carpet::Abort(const cGH*, int): Assertion `0' failed.
Rank 0 with PID 15757 received signal 6
Writing backtrace to mybbh/backtrace.0.txt
Aborted (core dumped)

I can't figure out what's the problem, even where to get the error message
I have try to change the initial data given by "two puncture", and it turns
out that those BH can't move too far as above, although they really changed
the trajectory.

8G RAM assigned
Ubuntu 16.04.1

Could anyone give me some hint~

Thanks a lot !
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