Hi Jens, everyone,

i think that is a great idea.
I've also met some students who were interested in learning how to use 
the Einstein Toolkit but were a bit shy to write to the entire list. So 
partnering "newbies" with a tutor or arrange for a monthly "how-to" 
hang-out could be a good way to lower that threshold.
I'd be happy to help with that, but how about getting students (like 
Jens) or young postdocs involved? That would be a good learning exercise 
for both sides.


On 2017-10-18 22:17, Jens Mahlmann wrote:
> Dear all,
> regarding the outreach and visibility topic I have one suggestion
> concerning the hurdles of getting started with the Einstein Toolkit.
> Already two times this year I met people who were rather interested in
> the ET but did not know how to get started.
> The initial hurdle of starting with the ET could be lowered, if one
> offered for example the contact to a "starting buddy" who agrees to
> Skype for example 2 times 30 minutes with somebody who wants to get
> started and provides appropriate slides/scripts/examples/tasks to kick
> off - also, this might take away the fear to contact the community
> with further questions. Alternatively, in a lighter and more
> standardized version of this, one could offer a monthly Hangout giving
> a "How to get started" presentation and leaving room for Q&A. In any
> case, I would be on board for any of these points.
> For tonight my very best from Valencia
> Jens Mahlmann
> On 10/18/2017 07:37 PM, David Radice wrote:
>> Hi Hevli,
>> let me add, as an example of NS merger simulations done with the ET, 
>> our (Princeton/Parma/Frankfurt groups) simulations with the WhiskyTHC 
>> code, which includes microphysical nuclear EOS and neutrinos:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhS77N0tyEA [2]
>> Ref. https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.02426 [3]
>> Cheers,
>> David
>>> On Oct 18, 2017, at 6:38 AM, helvi witek <hwi...@icc.ub.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> let me pick up on our discussion on the visibility of the Einstein 
>>> Toolkit within the LIGO/VIRGO Scientific collaboration, our 
>>> scientific community in general and the public that we had during the 
>>> workshop last week.
>>> In the end of the week we are opening our traveling exhibition 
>>> "Unraveling the dark universe" and, as probably many of you these 
>>> days, we will have a number of outreach talks about gravitational 
>>> waves. In this context I was looking for animations produced with the 
>>> toolkit, in addition to the BBH material that I already had from the 
>>> SXS collaboration, to give more credit to it.
>>> I noticed a few things that we could improve
>>> - update the gallery on the website. At the moment the only 
>>> animation of an event is that by Barry for GW150914. It would be nice 
>>> to have more of a collection for the other events, and in particular 
>>> for GW170817. As first step we could collect links to the youtube 
>>> channels of different groups.
>>> - that brings me to a second suggestion: should we bundle those 
>>> animations, e.g., in a ET youtube channel? At the moment, a quick 
>>> search leads to filmed talks and lectures (which is important, too, 
>>> of course), but try the same for SXS and you'll get a list of 
>>> animations by the collaboration. A first step to give more visibility 
>>> to the toolkit could be to add the logo to the credits.
>>> This is essentially to spark some discussion, and if there is 
>>> interest, we can follow up on it in one of the next calls.
>>> cheers,
>>> Helvi
>>> ===========================================
>>> Dr. Helvi Witek
>>> Marie-Curie Research Fellow
>>> Dep. Fisica Quantica i Astrofisica & ICCUB
>>> Universitat de Barcelona
>>> ===========================================
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> Links:
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> [1] http://lists.einsteintoolkit.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhS77N0tyEA
> [3] https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.02426
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Dr. Helvi Witek
Marie-Curie Research Fellow
Dep. Fisica Quantica i Astrofisica
Universitat de Barcelona
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