Fedora 27 has just been released in final form, I did not expect to find any 
previous references to it yet. (I'm using x86_64, of course.) I preferred to 
use Fedora because I had little trouble getting it to hibernate, which might be 
important when using this software on a primitive computer. In the event of a 
power failure, although not frequent, the job would not be terminated by the 
The only problem I had encountered with Fedora 26 was with openmpi. Fedora does 
not put it into the standard search path, but into /usr/lib64/openmpi/bin, 
which must be added.
I upgraded Fedora 26 to 27 in place, leaving the Cactus installation untouched. 
The only problem I had with it was that Fedora 27 removed 
/usr/lib64/libgsl.so.19, which I had to add after the upgrade was completed.
Then I attempted to install Cactus on a freshly-installed Fedora 27 
installation. Things went well for a while, but eventually I encountered this:
COMPILING arrangements/McLachlan/ML_BSSN/src/RegisterSymmetries.ccCOMPILING 
/home/jontester/Cactus/configs/sim/lib/libthorn_ML_BSSN.amake: *** 
[Makefile:260: sim] Error 2
I would be interested to know why this occurred. For the present time it does 
not inconvenience me, but I'm sure the software will continue to evolve. (My 
name isn't Jon Tester, but I use this user for experimental software.)

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