Hey all,

    I am working on the new synchronization in the presync branch, and there's 
a scheduling comment I don't understand. On line 234 (master branch) of the 
ADMBase schedule.ccl, the following comment is given before scheduling a sync 
for ADM grid functions:

> For Mesh Refinement it is possible (eg Cowling approximation) that ADMBase 
> variables will need synchronization even when not evolved (eg when a new 
> refined grid appears)

According to this, a sync should be triggered in some cases at the mesh 
refinement stage. Since I don't understand the reasons for this, I can't 
reproduce this behavior in the new method. Why does the mesh refinement require 
a sync only sometimes? Is there a specific scheduled subroutine which creates 
this behavior, or is it inherent in the AMR process itself?

   Samuel Cupp
   Graduate Student
   Department of Physics & Astronomy
   Louisiana State University
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