
I don't think such a thing exists.

It should be relatively straightforward to calculated the ADM
quantities from the ADM variables. I also think this is how it should
be done; I was surprised to see that it is done differently. After
all, that's why we have the ADM variables -- as lingua franca so that
thorns don't have too many interdependencies.

Do you need the ADM integrands everywhere or just on a 2-sphere? If
the latter, then the thorn QuasiLocalMeasures could provide these.


On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 9:05 AM, Wolfgang Kastaun <phy...@fangwolg.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just started using the ML_ADMQuantities thorn (because I wanted the
> ADM integrants, not just the integrals), and stumbled on two issues:
> 1. It seems this thorn only works with ML_BSSN, is there a version for
> ML_CCZ4 somewhere?
> 2. Madm and Jadm3 are declared as tensorweight=0 in the interface.ccl,
> but it seems to me that they already include the square root of the
> 3-metric determinant (at least I got the correct ADM mass by just using
> the standard average reduction operator on them for some test). Should
> that be tensorweight=1 instead?
> Cheers,
> Wolfgang.
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