Hello Toni,

there is one suspicious line "/bin/bash: aviso: el documento-aquí en la
línea 0 está delimitado por fin-de-fichero (se esperaba `EOT')" which may be 
caused by an incorrect setting for "envsetup" in your machine.ini file (if you 
are using simfactory). I would check that your machine.ini file is correct.

Other than that I would try two things:

1. run with VERBOSE=yes ie: VERBOSE=yes simfactory/bin/sim build --mdbkey make 
'make -j1' >make.log 2>&1
2. try is "make sim-cleandeps" and then building again helps (we have had 
issues with old versions of make that have a bug that can end up being a silent 
error and cleandeps makes the error go away).


> Hi,
> my name is Antoni Ramos, I am student at UIB (Spain), I am trying to
> compile the ET in a small cluster that we have at the university. As a .cfg
> file I took the shelob-openmpi-gcc.cfg and I made some small changes to
> adapt it to our machine. So far, I got several error messages which where
> quite informative about what I was doing wrong. However, now I am receiving
> an error message I do not know what it does refer to. I would like to ask
> you if someone could tell me what this message mean and  what could
> generate it.
> ...( skipping the previous messages)
> CST finished.
> Checking status of thorn CoordBase
> Checking status of thorn Boundary
> Checking status of thorn ADMCoupling
> Checking status of thorn SummationByParts
> make[2]: *** [make.checked] Error 2
> make[1]: ***
> [/home/arb429/ET2017_toni/configs/sim/lib/libthorn_CoordBase.a] Error 2
> make[1]: *** Se espera a que terminen otras tareas....
> make[2]: *** [make.checked] Error 2
> make[1]: *** [/home/arb429/ET2017_toni/configs/sim/lib/libthorn_Boundary.a]
> Error 2
> make[2]: *** [cctk_Bindings/make.checked] Error 2
> make[2]: *** Se espera a que terminen otras tareas....
> make[2]: *** [cctk_Bindings/make.checked] Error 2
> make[1]: ***
> [/home/arb429/ET2017_toni/configs/sim/lib/libthorn_ADMCoupling.a] Error 2
> make[2]: *** [make.checked] Error 2
> make[1]: ***
> [/home/arb429/ET2017_toni/configs/sim/lib/libthorn_SummationByParts.a]
> Error 2
> make: *** [sim] Error 2
> Probably something is wrong with the .cfg file but I do not know what to
> change exactly. When I look at the configs/sim/config-data/config.log I am
> also not able to find out what is precisely wrong. I attach the .cfg file
> and the config.log to this mail.
> Best regards and thanks,
> Toni.

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