Hello Samuel,

> FFLAGS= -traditional

Is what we usually use. In principle Cactus does support both
traditional and modern CPP. Just not every single thorn that uses
Cactus but is not in a Cactus* repository (so most Cactus thorn will
compile, though I would not want to bet on whether the CCTK_LOOP
macros will work with modern CPP).

> But I had never removed the -fno-underscore. I still find it odd that
> all of the Cactus codes compile fine and only SummationByParts has
> compiler issues.

Well it's technically a bug (violation of using the CCTK_FNAME API as
doucmented) in SummationByParts.

I recently fixed a similar issue in loopcontrol. I will give
SummationByParts the similar treatment if I can.


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