Hello all,


I already published that in another post but since it is a new topic /
problem i summarise my architecture.


I have 2 hosts A and B. Both are running UPnP Basedriver to access the upnp



Host A acts as a upnp bridge to export X10 like devices (Switches,
Motionsensors, Lights etc.) into the upnp network. Right now 19 devices get

I'm using the helper class UPnPEventNotifier there.


Host B acts as a central server which imports and refines those devices
(using a refining driver) using the base driver.

The refined devices use UPnPSubscriber to subscribe to UPnP Events and get
status updates of the devices.



Host A and B are connected through a gigabit switch, so no wireless or
anything other in between.



After a random time - say 30-50 minutes - it often occur that devices just
unregister and disappear.

I refer to the topic of the domoware site since the guy there had a similiar
problem and maybe mr lenzi and mr furfari can remember that:




ok - the other guy was using devices that were not exported by the upnp
basedriver.i'm only using devices that get exported by upnp base driver from

That's the difference.



I tried the solution explained there to use the DriverController.search
method to propagate msearches for all devices every 10 minutes.

After 3 hours of operation doing that the basedriver on Host A (the bridge)
begin to lockup. The devices all disappear and i get continous error

by Cyberdomo saying "Too many files open". 



So to summarise my problem:


a)      The renewal of devices without m-search using the base-driver on
both ends doesn't seem to work properly, since after some time devices
disappear. (however all is working fine for some time)

b)       After doing m-searches the basedriver is getting unstable saying
"too many files open"



I really need help.



Kind regards,

Daniel Felsing

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