Stuart McCulloch wrote:
2009/6/13 Sahoo <>

I am using a war type project, so the packaging is governed by
maven-war-plugin. For the OSGi meta data in the war, I am using manifest
goal of maven-bundle-plugin in process-classes phase. Yes, I have already
looked at the excellent examples on this use case at [1]. However, my use
case has one difference. I don't want "." in Bundle-ClassPath. Why? Because,
it should never be. Files at the root level of .war file is never used
directly by class loaders in web container; WEB-INF/classes and
WEB-INF/lib/*.jar are used instead. As soon as I remove the "." from
Bundle-ClassPath settings, bundle plugin is confused. I don't know why  "."
is necessary for bundle plugin to generate meta data? My guess is without
it, it does not find any classes in the target dir?

if you want to use the bundleplugin to build the WAR file then you need
to use Embed-Dependency (or the raw Bnd Include-Resouce instruction)
so that the classes end up in the right location(s) inside the WAR bundle
- then when Bnd analyzes the Bundle-ClassPath it will find the classes
I will explore this option, but let's focus on using war plugin to do the packaging and bundle plugin to generate the manifest.
if you want to use the bundleplugin to generate the manifest, and you
want a Bundle-ClassPath without '.' then I suspect you'll need to have
the WAR file laid out under "target/classes" (or somewhere else that
you could add to the Bnd classpath by using its -classpath setting)
In fact, war plugin already creates an exploded directory called target/${finalName}/ with the war content in it. I suspect it is created after bundle is run, so bundle plugin can't see the contents even if I appropriate set <_classpath/>.


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