On 4/4/11 23:14, Donald Whytock wrote:
I see...thanks.  I really appreciate learning this...it was starting
to drive me nuts.

Is this one of those good-idea-type things I should do in every bundle
from now on?

If you don't ever intend to run your bundle on very old OSGi frameworks, then yes it is better to just always do this.

-> richard

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Richard S. Hall<he...@ungoverned.org>  wrote:
After looking at your bundles, you are not creating OSGi R4 bundles, you are
creating OSGi R3 bundles. You must include:

    Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
    Bundle-SymbolicName: foo

Technically, this isn't necessary to if you are just creating a bundle that
imports other packages normally, since R3 bundles can do that. However,
since a mandatory attribute is required, you need to create an R4 bundle
since attributes weren't available for R3 bundles.

->  richard

On 4/4/11 17:44, Richard S. Hall wrote:
p.s. If you really can't figure it out, you can send me an example failing
bundle and I will look at it.

On 4/4/11 17:42, Richard S. Hall wrote:
Not sure. If I look at the Gogo Command bundle, it does this in its

Import-Package: org.apache.felix.service.command;status=provisional;ve

That looks pretty similar, no?

->  richard

On 4/4/11 17:30, Donald Whytock wrote:
Okay, I've tried the following:


and on load it comes up with "missing requirement package;

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Richard S. Hall<he...@ungoverned.org>
You have to import it with status=provisional, since the Gogo API is
on unreleased OSGi API, so it will change in the future and we are
you about this by making the "status" attribute mandatory.

->    richard

On 4/4/11 17:17, Donald Whytock wrote:
Hi all...

I'd like to execute felix shell commands from inside a bundle.  Used
to was, that was done with org.apache.felix.shell.ShellService.  I
assume it's done now using
org.apache.felix.service.command.CommandSession, fetched from

But I can't seem to connect to package
org.apache.felix.service.command.  My manifest:

Import-Package: org.osgi.framework,
Export-Package: org.chatterbot.parsers.shellparser
Bundle-Activator: org.chatterbot.parsers.shellparser.activator
Bundle-Name: Chatterbot ShellParser

When I try to start the bundle I get "missing requirement package;

I've tried adding ";version="0.8.0"" and it doesn't help.  And yes, I
have the three gogo bundles loaded and active. I even checked the gogo
runtime .jar's manifest to make sure it was exporting the package.

Any ideas?



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