
This is the use case I'm implementing... My first "real" OSGi project is a
web front end for a lightweight ERP platform that bundles a AJAX/JS GUI
framework (the "back office", no OSGi), where the front end (OSGi) runs in a
separate process with an embedded Jetty web server.  The front end uses a
templating engine for rendering ad-hoc user interfaces with the ERP platform
used as a data source (with rules, ACL, etc).  Templates can be modified in
real time... and code too, hence the choice of OSGi.  That's the context of
what I'm doing.

The application is delivered as an executable JAR with Felix in the
classpath and the OSGi bundles are embedded in the JAR (but not in the
default classpath).  The executable JAR unpacks the embedded bundles onto
the filesystem, configures Felix in embedded mode, then installs the bundles
(including fragments), starts them (excluding fragments), and sets up a
filewatcher so that changes to the directory are detected and bundles
started as needed (if the client drops in a new custom bundle, it
auto-starts, the client can also drop in hotfix upgrades).

These design goals, which seem similar to yours, work well with Felix.  The
aim is to have everything (code & UI) fully dynamic, i.e.: the application
shouldn't ever need to be fully stopped, including patches, minor upgrades,
and possibly major ones too, as well as adding/updating/replacing plugins.

A bit more detail which may be helpful: all installed bundles are INSTALLED
in the framework sense, but then a little extra logic is applied: only the
most recent version of a bundle is explicitly STARTED (the others may be
started implicity if required, but this can create class space divisions).
 Also, the filewatcher notifies removal of bundles, triggering stopping of
the bundles within the framework.  As soon as a bundle is added again, the
host application tries to start any "required" bundles that were knocked
offline by a previous change (because deleting then replacing a bundle -- as
opposed to a one-step upgrade -- can take others offline, and there's no
automatic restart logic in this case).  The host application requests
PackageAdmin->refresh as required to re-wire stuff.

For info, about filewatching, I use a little abstraction layer, which (when
possible) uses JXFileWatcher, falling back to a polling technique, and
capable of delegating to Java 7 filewatching at some point.  The
filewatching/update logic is in the host application because JXFileWatcher
binds to a native library using JNI (so loadLibrary doesn't play nice with
bundle restarts if I implement in a bundle) and because we'd get stuck if
the "system update watcher" bundle got stopped unintentionally.

This works for me.  I have a suspicion OSGi start levels could be of some
use here too, I haven't looked into that much however.  Hope the details
(without naming products!) are helpful.

Just for the bonus: the container is also useful in unit testing: each
bundle gets tested in the framework in isolation, using another mock bundle
and a test fragment that attaches to the bundle being tested, in the same
package.  Getting JUnit to play nice was a bit tricky though, especially
creating test instances with access to the bundle context.  It's doable
though, without hacking JUnit...


On 14 July 2011 23:00, <john.dun...@exceter.com> wrote:

> I would like to hide the update mechanism from the end user. As far as the
> client is be concerned, the application should be versioned as a whole. For
> example, I would like the client to see that an update from version
> to is available. Behind the scenes the update would be a collection
> of bundles. The bundles would be versioned separately but the
> update(collection of bundles) would be tested as a unit in my test
> environment before being made available to the client.
> I'd also like to be able to give the client a menu for falling back to a
> previous version.

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