
Thank you kindly for your advice. As you suggested, I was able to load the security provider by passing it as a system bundle activator. Both the PermissionAdmin and ConditionalPermissionAdmin services are now starting with the framework. I am using a config file that includes org.osgi.framework.security=osgi and I have verified that Felix starts up with a SecurityManager installed. I'm using Felix version is 3.2.2 and Framework Security version 1.4.2.

Unfortunately, I'm running into another problem: I cannot seem to enforce Java permissions, such as java.io.FilePermission or java.net.NetPermission. When Felix starts, I immediately give AllPermission to the System Bundle and PackagePermission to the Log and configadmin Bundles. I'm not using a policy file, so I apply permissions pragmatically, like this:

final ConditionalPermissionAdmin cpa = (ConditionalPermissionAdmin) context.getService(context
final ConditionalPermissionUpdate u = cpa.newConditionalPermissionUpdate(); List<ConditionalPermissionInfo> permlist = u.getConditionalPermissionInfos();
    // Give the System Bundle AllPermissions
permlist.add(cpa.newConditionalPermissionInfo(null, new ConditionInfo[] { new ConditionInfo( BundleLocationCondition.class.getName(), new String[] { context.getBundle(0).getLocation() }) }, new PermissionInfo[] { new PermissionInfo(AllPermission.class.getName(), "*", "*") },
// Allow the first two system bundles (Log and ConfigAdmin) to import org.osgi.framework permlist.add(cpa.newConditionalPermissionInfo(null, new ConditionInfo[] { new ConditionInfo( BundleLocationCondition.class.getName(), new String[] { context.getBundle(1).getLocation() }) }, new PermissionInfo[] { new PermissionInfo(PackagePermission.class.getName(), "org.osgi.framework",
            PackagePermission.IMPORT) }, ConditionalPermissionInfo.ALLOW));
permlist.add(cpa.newConditionalPermissionInfo(null, new ConditionInfo[] { new ConditionInfo( BundleLocationCondition.class.getName(), new String[] { context.getBundle(2).getLocation() }) }, new PermissionInfo[] { new PermissionInfo(PackagePermission.class.getName(), "org.osgi.framework",
            PackagePermission.IMPORT) }, ConditionalPermissionInfo.ALLOW));
    if (!u.commit()) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Permissions changed during update");

When loading untrusted Bundles, I am applying permissions like this:

final ConditionalPermissionAdmin cpa = (ConditionalPermissionAdmin) context.getService(context
final ConditionalPermissionUpdate u = cpa.newConditionalPermissionUpdate(); final List<ConditionalPermissionInfo> permlist = u.getConditionalPermissionInfos();
    // Give the System Bundle AllPermissions
permlist.add(cpa.newConditionalPermissionInfo(null, new ConditionInfo[] { new ConditionInfo( BundleLocationCondition.class.getName(), new String[] { context.getBundle(0).getLocation() }) }, new PermissionInfo[] { new PermissionInfo(AllPermission.class.getName(), "*", "*") },
// Allow the first two system bundles (Log and ConfigAdmin) to import org.osgi.framework permlist.add(cpa.newConditionalPermissionInfo(null, new ConditionInfo[] { new ConditionInfo( BundleLocationCondition.class.getName(), new String[] { context.getBundle(1).getLocation() }) }, new PermissionInfo[] { new PermissionInfo(PackagePermission.class.getName(), "org.osgi.framework",
            PackagePermission.IMPORT) }, ConditionalPermissionInfo.ALLOW));
permlist.add(cpa.newConditionalPermissionInfo(null, new ConditionInfo[] { new ConditionInfo( BundleLocationCondition.class.getName(), new String[] { context.getBundle(2).getLocation() }) }, new PermissionInfo[] { new PermissionInfo(PackagePermission.class.getName(), "org.osgi.framework",
            PackagePermission.IMPORT) }, ConditionalPermissionInfo.ALLOW));
    // Lock down the untrusted Bundle
permlist.add(cpa.newConditionalPermissionInfo(null, new ConditionInfo[] { new ConditionInfo( BundleLocationCondition.class.getName(), new String[] { newBundle.getLocation() }) }, new PermissionInfo[] { new PermissionInfo(FilePermission.class.getName(), "<<ALL FILES>>", "read,write,delete"), new PermissionInfo(NetPermission.class.getName(), "*", "") }, ConditionalPermissionInfo.DENY));
    if (!u.commit()) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Permissions changed during update");

After the above operations, the example untrusted bundle is *not* prevented from accessing the filesystem or network (I have some test code in the example untrusted Bundle that writes, reads and deletes a local temp file and then performs some network operations). If I remove the PackagePermissions, the Log and configadmin are unable to import the necessary framework classes, which seems to suggest that OSGi permissions are being applied. I also installed a tracing SecurityManager to make sure that permission checks were being performed (which they were).

Am I running into some default permissions here? Am I missing something?


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