Hi everybody,
I'm using OBR to help me resolve bundle deployment. Everything works great and as expected but I'm facing a situation I don't know how to solve.

Here is my test scenario:
I have the following bundles in an OBR repository:
* SymbolicName: A | Bundle-Version: | exports: (package: "p.a" version: 1) * SymbolicName: A | Bundle-Version:| exports: (package: "p.a" version: 1) * SymbolicName: DA | Bundle-Version: 1| depends: (package: "p.a" version: [1 , 2) ) * SymbolicName: DexA | Bundle-Version: 1| depends: (package: "p.a" version: [1 , 2) ) and (bundle: "A" version: [,] )

Then my test runs as follows:
g! deploy -s DA
==> this also deploys A version (I guess because it is the "newer" bundle that exports "pa" version 1)

g! deploy -s A@
    ==> this __updates__ the previously deployed A (version

First "issue", if I run:
g!deploy -s A@
==> then OBR executes successfully but A@ is not installed (since there is an "updated" version of it already resolved). I know this is the expected behavior, but I would like to be able to deploy A@

Second (and worse) issue, if I now run:
    ==> so A@ is completely uninstalled from the framework
And then:
g!deploy -s DexA
==> this deployment __fails__ because A@ can't be reinstalled in the framework!!

In the OBR project web page [1] can be read:
"OBR's deployment algorithm appears simple at first glance, but it is actually somewhat complex due to the nature of deploying independently developed bundles. For example, in an ideal world, if an update for a bundle is made available, then updates for all of the bundles satisfying its dependencies are also made available. Unfortunately, this may not be the case, thus the deployment algorithm might have to install new bundles during an update to satisfy either new dependencies or updated dependencies that can no longer be satisfied by existing local bundles. In response to this type of scenario, ___the OBR deployment algorithm tries to favor updating existing bundles, if possible, as opposed to installing new bundles to satisfy dependencies.____"

I don't fully understand this explanation but I get that the described behavior is as intended.

My questions are:
1- Is there a way to force the installation of different bundle versions (instead of the update of "older" ones) when deploying through OBR? 2- What kind of issues may this behavior (installation of different versions) rise? (this is not considering the "problem" of having a lot of bundles installed)

Note that while I'm using the shell to run my tests, my intention is to use the OBR API in my code. So the "solution" may be available only in the API.

Sorry the mail got so long but I wanted to state my problem as clear as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to read and to answer!
Kind regards

[1] http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-osgi-bundle-repository.html#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-OBRServiceAPI

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