The cardinality in the config admin does not seem to be sticking:

@Component(configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE,
configurationPid = "")


@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MULTIPLE, policyOption =
public void setWorkerComponentService(WorkerComponentService
workerComponentService) {

And in the relevant Karaf cfg file (

# This is a DS property. It tells DS that there is one component
service that we are consuming.

And the reference name in the DS metadata is WorkerComponentService.

but the component goes ahead and activates when it has none (due to
leaving out the component); the activation throws an exception due to
my own code complaining.

In spite of the exception thrown in the @Activate method, the
component goes to REGISTERED, is there some particular exception that
would prevent that?

I have it working (up to the point of fun with Json deserialization
from CXF, which is also working mostly) by putting the component in
place, but eventually I need the constraint to hold things up; and it
would be nice to have a way for an exception in activation to stop the

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