Bnd (and by extension the maven-bundle-plugin) uses semantic versions to
infer import ranges, based on the actual version that was compiled against.
If you build against version 8.0.0 of an API then we have no way to know
that you are also compatible with versions 7.0.0 and 6.0.0.

In fact it would be a violation of semantic versioning if major versions
6.0.0 through 8.0.0 were actually backwards compatible.

It's my understanding that most Maven users consider build-time version
ranges to be a bad practice, because your build output could vary wildly
depending on the content of your local repository. See "Should Maven
dependency version ranges be considered deprecated?"[1]



On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 4:05 PM, Martin Nielsen <> wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I am trying to make the Maven Bundle Plugin use a version range i have
> defined in the POM of my project.
> Basically a project of mine has a small wicket module which i know works
> through wicket 6-8. So i have defined the following dependency:
> <dependency>
>       <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>       <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId>
>       <version>[6.0.0,9.0.0)</version>
>       <scope>provided</scope>
>     </dependency>
> The problem is that the Maven Bundle Plugin doesn't seem to care all that
> much, and i get the following dependency in the manifest:
> org.apache.wicket;version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.wicket.ajax;
> version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.wicket.ajax.form;version="[8.
> 0,9)",org.apache.wicket.behavior;version="[8.0,9)",
> org.apache.wicket.markup.html;version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.
> wicket.markup.html.basic;version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.
> wicket.markup.html.form;version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.
> wicket.markup.html.list;version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.
> wicket.markup.html.panel;version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.
> wicket.model;version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.wicket.model.util;
> version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.
> parameter;version="[8.0,9)",org.apache.wicket.util.string;
> version="[8.0,9)"
> My intent was to get a version range matching the maven range, but it seems
> that the Bundle Plugin just looks at the artifact which was actually
> resolved and uses that, which ends up being [8.0,9).
> Is there a way to make the Bundle Plugin parse the POM version range, or is
> there a fairly none-intrusive way to specify the version for all those
> packages?
> Thank you
> -Martin

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