Hello, everybody,

Currently we are trying to dynamically reload a JPA implementation.
For this I use the bundle org.apache.felix.bundlerepository-2.0.10. 
The search with RepoAdmin is based on a service. That works so far so well.
Unfortunately, only 15 of the 25 bundles are resolved by the revolver. The
other bundles contain packages that are missing in Java 11. With Java 8 the
bundles were partly not needed.

Now the approach is to integrate the bundles into my JPA Service Bundle
using require-capability. For this I have identified two possibilities.

1. osgi.identity;filter:='(&(osgi.identity=javax.el-api)(version=2.2.1)))'

Both variants lead to an error:
1. unable to resolve:
2 The Bnd Tooling does not build the bundle because it is a generic
capability and therefore should not be listed.

Thus it is not possible to address the missing federation. 

Why can't the resolver resolve the bundles although the following occurs in
the index.xml of the repository?

    <capability namespace="osgi.identity">
      <attribute name="license"
      <attribute name="osgi.identity" value="javax.el-api"/>
      <attribute name="type" value="osgi.bundle"/>
      <attribute name="version" value="2.2.1" type="Version"/>
      <attribute name="documentation" value="http://glassfish.org"/>

Many thanks and greetings
Frank Hölting

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