On Wed, 2021-10-13 at 11:17 -0400, Raymond Augé wrote:
> I don't think "readiness" is something you completely do inside an
> app to
> begin with. (assist with? sure!)
> This is why I proposed Condition Service; to model the details
> required for
> your application to be "ready", hoist that into an externally visible
> (to
> the java process) indicator (an open socket, REST endpoint, marker
> file)
> and THEN that can be used by any external readiness checker with
> whatever
> business logic.
> Apologies if my recommendation was unclear. But you're likely to have
> an
> orchestrator performing liveness/readiness checking anyway, why even
> try to
> model that entirely inside the application?!?

I agree with your points for most scenarios.

The one where I think the situation is not that clear-cut is when
running batch/non-interactive applications which don't serve external
requests. Running an HTTP service with a liveness check enforced by an
orchestration platform or settings timeouts feels like a kludge when it
is "obvious" that the application is not able to advance.

Working with other DI frameworks was IMO simpler in this case - when a
required object could not be instantiated they failed loudly and
aborted the application.

Again, I am aware that this is not the OSGi service model, but that
doesn't mean I can't try and shoehorn it to fit my problem space. I
will probably fight back, but I can try :-)


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