On 11/4/16, 1:56 AM, "OK" <p...@olafkrueger.net> wrote:

>Thank you Justin!
>Reading Alex hints I'm not sure what would be the right way:
>Keeping the material lib external or as part of Apache Flex.
>Probably both have benefits and also drawbacks.
>What do others think?
>Is anyone interested in a Material Design component set that is shipped
>the SDK?

It is really up to Rui to decide where future development should be and
under what license.  Once that's decided, we can look into our options.

From a "bundling" stand point, it is probably possible for the Installer
to offer download of Rui's code even if it remains under GPL since it
would be an optional component.  So how we present it to our users can be
different from how it is being developed.


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