On 2/21/17, 10:28 AM, "PKumar" <prashaku...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Thanks for clarification Alex & Greg,
>I have resolve this issue. I have removed the registerClassAlias code from
>library and placed it in Main application.
>one question, i want to ask here is,
>is it possible to implement "[RemoteClass]" metadata in FlexJS?

You can add the [RemoteClass] metadata to your ValueObjects and use the
Reflection APIs to find out if a class has that metadata and what value it
has.  I don't want to have the compiler generate the registerClassAlias
call like it used to for Flex.  IMO, that is a framework-level thing.  The
compiler should not presume when those calls should be made.

I think the cost of adding [RemoteClass] to Basic Collections is still
PAYG.  It should all go in the reflection structure that is only kept in
the output if someone is using Reflection APIs.

Then the next decision is to figure out the best way to call
registerClassAlias on the classes involved.  As I mentioned in my last
post, I think it would be reasonable for folks to have to register the
top-level class and have framework code introspect that class and make the
appropriate registerClassAlias calls.

My 2 cents,

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