Hey all:

I'm allowing a user to take a profile selfie or import a file from their camera 
roll, and on Android, the images are rotated inconsistently between front and 
rear cameras, as well as when importing from camera roll depending on how the 
user held the camera.

The MediaEvent (upon selecting an image) and MediaPromise object (data) does 
not provide any orientation information and the image's sourceWidth is ALWAYS 
larger than sourceHeight no matter which camera or mode (portrait/landscape) 
was used to take the picture. So there is no way to know how much to rotate the 

My problem is:
I need to know if a photo taken with CameraUI was front or back camera.
I need to know if a photo imported using CameraRoll was originally taken with 
front or back camera, and whether the user held the camera in portrait or 
landscape mode. 
Each of these variables result in different rotations of the image and I need 
to correct the rotation (that's easy) once I know by how much it's off.

I don't have any problem on iOS at all. Apple is consistent. I'm figuring I'll 
have to give my users the ability to manually rotate their pics, or write an 
ANE or something else hard to do just to get more information about the images 
on Android.

Any ideas?



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