Hey bilbosax:

If you are talking about a Flex Mobile app, just try deleting the contents of 
the TextInput when hiding the PopUp:

private function onCloseMe():void {
    input.text = null;

When subsequently showing the popup, there will be no text to render and you 
won't see it. 

In mobile apps, using mobile theme, this is well known issue because TextInput 
is using StyledStageText component which is essentially the native TextInput 
component for the platform, which makes interaction with input devices act and 
feel native, like soft keyboard, voice dictation, auto correct and auto 
suggest, etc. The non mobile theme version still does some of this stuff, but 
not natively so there are some issues.

Anyway if using mobile theme and TextInput you need to pay attention to the 
fact that the native component is being displayed above all of your 
application. It's Z order is higher (above) everything and it will show the 
text over things and when Popup shows visible before centering you'll see this 
sort of behavior.

In the end, TextInput on mobile is really a good thing, but it's a little 
quirky and you need to work around a couple issues like this.

However, if you plan to have input fields below the top half of a view where 
the TextInput field receives input focus and scrolls into view above the soft 
keyboard, be aware that there is a known problem with the caret showing up in 
some cases. Best to keep you input fields in the top 50% of the mobile screen 
so it doesn't have to scroll. 



> On Jul 6, 2017, at 9:43 AM, bilbosax <waspenc...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I have a PopUp that occupies about a third of the screen with several
> components in it like a dropdownlist, a textInput, and sliders where a user
> can set values that are needed by the program(i haven't included them all in
> the example).  Each time the PopUp is loaded, it obtains values from the
> last time the PopUp was loaded to populate the components with the previous
> values for the user.  The problem that I am having is with the textInput. 
> The first time that they PopUp is displayed, everything displays perfectly. 
> I enter a city name like "Indianapolis" into the textInput, and then close
> the PopUp.  The next time the PopUp is opened, it should load all the
> positions and sizes of the components, then load the values to populate the
> components.  But the textInput loads and displays "Indianapolis" to the left
> of boundaries of the PopUp momentarily, and then it snaps into its proper
> place inside the PopUp borders.  I have tried every workaround that I can
> think of which includes setting the initial visibility property of the PopUp
> AND the textInput to false, then setting all of the position paramaters,
> then loading the component values, and finally turning the visibility of the
> PopUp and the textInput back to true.  But for some reason, the textInput
> still displays outside of the bounds of the PopUp for just a few frames and
> then snaps into place.  None of the other components, sliders or
> dropdownlist do this???  Any thoughts???
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"; 
>                xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" 
>                xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" 
> creationComplete="init(event)"
> visible="false">
>       <fx:Script>
>       </fx:Script>
>       <s:Group id="topGroup">                         
>                       <s:TextInput id="cityInput" color="#4F4F4F" 
> visible="false"/>
>                       <s:HSlider id="minPriceSlider" minimum="0" maximum="100"
> showDataTip="false" snapInterval="1"
> change="minPriceSliderChangeHandler(event)"/>
>                       <s:CheckBox id="allCB" label="All" 
> change="allCBChangeHandler(event)"/>
>                       <s:CheckBox id="mfCB" label="Multi Family"
> change="CBChangeHandler(event)"/>
>                       <s:CheckBox id="sfCB" label="Single Family"
> change="CBChangeHandler(event)"/>
>                       <s:CheckBox id="coCB" label="Commercial"
> change="CBChangeHandler(event)"/>
>                       <s:CheckBox id="cndCB" label="Condo/Townhouse"
> change="CBChangeHandler(event)"/>
>                       <s:CheckBox id="lotCB" label="Lot/Land" 
> change="CBChangeHandler(event)"/>
>                       <s:Label id="mySpacer" text=""/>
>               </s:Group>
> </s:BorderContainer>
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://apache-flex-users.2333346.n4.nabble.com/Visibility-Issue-with-PopUp-Component-tp15417.html
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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